Run, Get, Ask and answer (RG2A)

by Fatimah Munawar

Motivating strategy is one of important stages in teaching, since it can influence the students’ mood for following the whole learning process. If they feel happy or comfortable during this step, they will follow the lesson wholeheartedly and cheerfully (hopefully…hahaha).  Therefore, I’d like to share a teaching technique which I sometimes use, that is “RGA”. It stands for “Run, Get, Ask and Answer”.  But, I only use it if the classroom is big. Followings are the procedure of the RGA:
1.       First, prepare some cards with 1 question on each card.  The amount of the card is half of the student’ number. For example, if there are 14 students, prepare 7 cards.
2.       Next, stick the cards on 1 side of the wall.
3.       Then, ask all the students to stand up in 1 line facing the cards. The distance between the wall and the students is about 2 m.
4.       After that, ask them to run and get the cards (1 student – 1 card). Those who get the cards ask the questions to those who don’t get any cards.
5.       After they have finished asking and answering, ask them to stick the cards back on the wall.
6.       Later on, ask them to stand up again but this time on different position. Repeat step 4 and 5. You can repeat this twice or three times. On every repetition, they stand up on different position.
7.       Finally, ask them to sit down.

When I used this in IN-1 and ET-8 level, it ran well and my students felt excited. Last but not least, hopefully, we will have enjoyable learning process. 


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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