by Dessy Susiloningrum

When I was teaching Elementary 4 level in Srondol, I found a technique that could be one of some alternative activities to do to make the students understand more in differentiating Parts of Speech. I had plenty of time left at that time and I was confused what activity I should deliver after giving explanation about Parts of Speech. So, I decided to apply this activity in my class. The following is the steps to do to conduct this activity.

Level                           : Elementary 4 Lesson 9
Time required            : 15-30 minutes
Type of activity        : Small group
Grammar point          : Parts of speech
Materials                    : Sets of parts of speech cards for each group of three to four students. One set cards of parts of speech consists of a Noun card, a Verb card, an Adjective card, and an Adverb card.
Procedures                 :
  1. Divide the class into groups of three or four students.
  2. Give each group sets of parts of speech cards.
  3. Tell students to sit in a circle and have one of them to distribute the cards out clock-wise.
  4. Tell students that the object of this game is to collect some sets of Parts of speech cards. Make sure the students do not look at each other’s cards.
  5. Have Player 1 begins guessing the card of his/her friend on his/her left by asking “Do you have (kind of Parts of speech)?”. If his/her friend has it, he/she must give the mentioned card to Player 1. When Player 1 has got a complete set of Parts of speech, he/she can turn up the cards on the table so everyone can see them.
  6. Encourage students to think what card(s) they do not have to make the guesses. For instance, if a player only has 2 cards of Adjective and Noun, he/she must guess his/her next friend’s card by asking for the Verb or Adverb cards. Remind students to guess only one card.
  7. Tell Player 2, 3, and 4 to do the same step like Player 1 does. The player who can complete all of his/her cards wins.


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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