When I was teaching Elementary 4 level in Srondol, I found a technique that could be one of some alternative activities to do to make the students understand more in differentiating Parts of Speech. I had plenty of time left at that time and I was confused what activity I should deliver after giving explanation about Parts of Speech. So, I decided to apply this activity in my class. The following is the steps to do to conduct this activity.
Level : Elementary 4 Lesson 9
Time required : 15-30 minutes
Type of activity : Small group
Grammar point : Parts of speech
Materials : Sets of parts of speech cards for each group of three to four students. One set cards of parts of speech consists of a Noun card, a Verb card, an Adjective card, and an Adverb card.
Procedures :
- Divide the class into groups of three or four students.
- Give each group sets of parts of speech cards.
- Tell students to sit in a circle and have one of them to distribute the cards out clock-wise.
- Tell students that the object of this game is to collect some sets of Parts of speech cards. Make sure the students do not look at each other’s cards.
- Have Player 1 begins guessing the card of his/her friend on his/her left by asking “Do you have (kind of Parts of speech)?”. If his/her friend has it, he/she must give the mentioned card to Player 1. When Player 1 has got a complete set of Parts of speech, he/she can turn up the cards on the table so everyone can see them.
- Encourage students to think what card(s) they do not have to make the guesses. For instance, if a player only has 2 cards of Adjective and Noun, he/she must guess his/her next friend’s card by asking for the Verb or Adverb cards. Remind students to guess only one card.
- Tell Player 2, 3, and 4 to do the same step like Player 1 does. The player who can complete all of his/her cards wins.
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