Quiz – Quiz share

A game for exhausted teacher! J
Quiz – quiz share is a cooperative learning strategy, which can be implemented in motivating, skills practice and summing up stages. In motivating stage, teacher can use this strategy to review the previous lesson or to tap students’ knowledge of the topic (pre teaching). Whereas in the skills practice, teacher can use this technique especially in the skills focus of reading for comprehension. Teacher can also implement the technique in the summing up stage to wrap up the today’s lesson. It is very fun, challenging and interactive. It motivates students to learn beyond what is taught because mostly it involves student’s background knowledge. This strategy also enhances student-student interactions as well.
Herewith the steps:

  1. Ask students to create a question and write it down on a piece of paper (about the previous lesson, reading passage or what they know about a certain topic), then write the answer of the question as well on the back of the paper. You (teacher) should check around to help or to correct.
  2. After the students are ready with their question and answer, ask them to hold the paper with the question side up on the palm of their hand.
  3. Ask students to stand up and tell them that they have to move around the class when the music is on. If the music stops, they have to stop also and find the nearest person as the partner to share the quiz.
  4. Play the music, then stop it at a certain time. Ask students to find the partners, give high five each other, then share the quiz, by both of students hold their paper side by side. (Student A and B can see both questions altogether). Student A reads the question first to another, then Student B tries to answer the question. If student B can’t answer correctly then student A has to tell the answer (by showing the answer side of the paper). Then it’s student B’s turn to pose the question to student A, and repeat the aforementioned procedure. After the students both know the answer of the question, they swap the quiz paper. To give a sign that the students have already finished the swapping, they have to do high five again.
  5. If the second high five’s been done by all students, play the music again, and repeat the above steps.
  6. If it seems that everyone has shared their quiz around, end it with big applause for everyone. J
  7. Hopefully you and your students enjoy the game.

The following picture is the situation during sharing programs. Teachers acted as students

Shared by Ms. Irene Indriasari


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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