Marrying a person of a different nationality can cause many problems

Nowadays, intermarriage is a common thing in the world. The increase of international migration and tourism, globalization and the increase of communication have beaten international communication. Those things cause so many effects. Intermarriage is marrying someone of different cultural background, even nationality. There are a lot of people that do intermarriage in their life. But, in my opinion, intermarriage can cause many problems in their life.

People who marry someone from a different nationality will have different culture. I think this is one of the problems of intermarriage. They will face so many problems in their life that related in their culture. For example: their habits of speaking. Certain country/ region has the rule not to speak too loud, but other regions have a habit to speak loudly. The other example of different culture is different food. Maybe it is a simple thing but later it can cause problems.
The other reasons why intermarriage can cause so many problems is they have different ways of thinking. They have different point of view of solving the problems. So, the problems will not be solved easily.
From the reasons above, I’m sure there are still many problems that will come in intermarriage. Therefore, I disagree with intermarriage.
Written by Anindita Lintang
HI 3/ Term4/ 2010
Marrying a person of a different country can cause many problems
In this era, technology and transportation have become modern and easy to use. This also cause marriage between couple that come from different nationality or cultural background. Many cases like this happen, and many problems happen from many places because intercultural marriage is not easy to completely combine. So, I agree that many problems can cause from marrying a person of a different nationality.
In the first place, we face the problem is language. Lt’s say, a woman from Vanualu, a small island in Pacific ocean, got married with a man from USA. It’s hard for both of them to communicate well and know each other. The man uses formal language but the woman uses her own island language that is usually hard to explain. It means that body language is so important to communicate. The other problem is cultural background. Usually, someone form a certain place has his/ her own culture and tradition that can’t be left behind. It’s like a tradition that you must live with your big family while the spouse usually liv individually like in America or other countries in Europe.
The last problem is religion. It’s so important and hard to leave. Religion is very close to culture and tradition. Many people from family will doubt if you can leave or change your religion because of your husband or wife. But a discussion and understanding can solve the problems.
So, from the problems I mentioned above, we know that intermarriage can cause many problems. What I have mentioned there were only 3 problems, but it could be more, like family, money, friends, etc. However, I believe that only love can make it true. Difference is not a reason. Take it as a challenge.
Written by Dimas
HI 3/ Term 4/ 2010


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  1. in my opinion, marriage is not a problem different nationality, origin based on love and mutual trust in a partner.
    marriage is a commitment to establish a household, certainly a lot of differences but those differences will complement each other like spoons and forks. they also complement each other.
    in terms of religion itself is not a problem. accordance with their respective beliefs.
    many different nationalities of people who get married in order to improve the breeds, but it is also based on love as well.

    nadia herlina IN3

  2. I agree with the argument Anindita Lintang, people who are married to people of different nationalities will have a different culture. And it will cause big problems, because when we are married to foreigners then we will have a problem with the culture, customs and others. Examples of the different habits: the habit of Indonesian people are so polite and gentle married to someone from a country that has a habit of behaving loudly, then from this example we will not get married as we want it. Examples of cultural differences: we suppose the java then we have a culture of soft-spoken, married with a person who has a culture of Papua hard and a bit rough (though not all), then the marriage will fall apart and will most likely divorce. So I also do not agree with intermarriage.

    Ranggamurti Iswara
    Intermediate - 3

  3. The topic and arguments from Anindita Lintang and Dimas are interesting to me. They can explain their arguments about intermarriage well and I like it. They explain many problems that caused by intermarriage too with many examples that easy to understood.

    Actually, I’m agree with intermarriage, although it can cause many problems in family’s life. Okay, I understood that they face many problem because their different cultures. But, I think it will be fine if they can understanding the other and be patient.

    People who married with someone from different culture must be conscious that there are many conflicts or problems that will be face them latter. Before married, they must know and understanding each other well. If they do that, I’m sure that there aren’t lot problem causes by the differences.

    So, intermarriage is fine if you honor the differences and understanding each other well. I support the people who did it because it can produce the acculturation of cultures that very nice to save our culture from globalization.

    That’s my personal argument and comment for their arguments. I hope it can be useful to many people in this world who agree and disagree with intermarriage. Thank you. :D

    Caecilia Westi S. W.

  4. The topic and arguments from Anindita Lintang and Dimas are interesting to me. They can explain their arguments about intermarriage well and I like it. They explain many problems that caused by intermarriage too with many examples that easy to understood.

    Actually, I’m agree with intermarriage, although it can cause many problems in family’s life. Okay, I understood that they face many problem because their different cultures. But, I think it will be fine if they can understanding the other and be patient.

    People who married with someone from different culture must be conscious that there are many conflicts or problems that will be face them latter. Before married, they must know and understanding each other well. If they do that, I’m sure that there aren’t lot problem causes by the differences.

    So, intermarriage is fine if you honor the differences and understanding each other well. I support the people who did it because it can produce the acculturation of cultures that very nice to save our culture from globalization.

    That’s my personal argument and comment for their arguments. I hope it can be useful to many people in this world who agree and disagree with intermarriage. Thank you. :D

    Caecilia Westi S. W.

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