Outstanding Student Profile

Hi everyone, my name is Putri. I'm 16 years old. Well, I made this profile in the middle of doing my homework. So, hopefully I did not write any weird content here :/ I’m currently an 11th grade student of SMAN 4 Semarang. For those who don't know where SMAN 4 Semarang is, it is located behind SMPN 21 Semarang and SD Banyumanik. Yeah, my school is quite hidden from the main street.  Honestly, I’m not sure whether I deserve an Outstanding Student title. Because sometimes I still messed up with writing an essay and speaking in English. But, I’m glad to get this award (mostly because I’m going to be exempted from the tuition fee for next term, so yay for more pocket money \^^/). Before joining Lia Srondol, I was a student of LIA Candi. But, I quit in level ET-2 because I had to move to Jogja.

Talking about profile, it is common to talk about interests. I have interests in Korean Pop songs, PC games and social network. I’m a fan of Super Junior and B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect). I profoundly recommend you to start watching their Music Videos if you want to know more about K-Pop. They are so amazing! Okay enough about them, because once I start telling about Super Junior and B.A.P, I will spend hundreds of pages just to talk about them. My favorite PC games are Grandia II, The Sims and Nancy Drew series. Actually if Final Fantasy was created for PC, I would add it to my favorite game list. Besides playing games I like exploring the social media. Because in my opinion, it’s the best way for a fan to get news about her/his idol. I have account on several forums. Two of them are Super-Legacy.com (SPL) and TSUndercover.com (TSU). You can find me with ☂Putri민혜승♫ on SPL and putriyeoseong on TSU. I also have twitter and tumblr account. Both accounts have putriyeoseong as the username. If you want to chat with me, just contact me through my twitter. Oops, I need to finish my homework soon. So, bye bye! :D

Name: Feby 
ASL: 17/Female/Semarang
Find me on twitter: @itsfeby

Hello there, so this is the part where I suppose to tell you about myself. Well, my name is Feby and I think it's pretty obvious hehe. I'm currently an 11th grade student at SMA Negeri 1 Semarang. I've been studying at LIA Candi since 10th grade. But I have studied in LIA when I was in 7th grade at LIA Srondol, so it's not the first time I ever studied in LiA. My teacher asked me to write this piece of profile to complete the outstanding students profile on LIA's blog or something like that. I am very honored because it's my fourth time to be awarded as an Outstanding Student. I don't even consider myself as a this "outstanding" student, I'm not even the quiet and dilligent one. Our class is very wild, so I don't have any idea what made them to award me this. Hehehe.

So in general, I like music and film, I like to hang out with my friends, well who doesn't?! I find art very interesting. I'm interested in film therefore I like to be a director. I like to make films, write stories (crazy stories) and watch films. I also like drawing. So I might take either Film and Television or Design in collage. I dream about travelling this world. I like to see travel channel a lot. I like to see them walking in the street of London, looking at a gigantic screen at the Time Square, tossing coins at a fountain in Rome, those things are very amazing - I want to be there someday filming some stuff. Besides that, I like baking. And may I get this straight to you but COOKING and BAKING aren't the same. I don't cook but I bake. Pastry. I like any kind of pastry. I like to make cupcakes. My favorite is Red Velvet. I like to bake shortcake too sometime. I am kind of a Dessert Princess, I guess.

I think that's all I can say. Not very much about me but yea, that's me. Bye! Much love :) xoxo

Full Name : Sabila Ghassani
Nick Name : Bela
Address : Jl. Ganesha Raya 104 Pedurungan Semarang
Birth : Magelang, September 9th 1994
Age : 16 years old
Occupation : Student
School : SMA N 15
Grade : Eleven
Hobby : Browsing Internet, Listen to the music
Father’s Name : Legowo Kadri
Mother’s Name : Sri Lestari
I like English because I want to try to understand it at the first time, and after I’ve learned it I realize that actually English is nit so hard. Even I’m still on EL 2 level, I’m learning English based on what happened around my daily env
ironment and also through this kind of extra class besides my main class at my school

HI, my name IS Gracia Andrieta, but you can call me Grace. Now, I study in Dominico Savio Junior High School. I’m 12 years old. I’ve been LIA for about 3 years. I’m now in ET-8. With study English in LIA, my English skill get a good progress. i love studying in LIA because it’s fun and interesting. All teachers give us lessons with many different ways, and they make us always pay attention to the lesson. I hope, with study English in LIA, I will be successful, and I will go around the world. I think, LIA teachers should be more explicit to the students, and I hope LIA Srondol will have parallel classes. So, if the students can’t come , they can get a substitute day.
My name is Revina Budiyanti. You can call me Revi. I’m going to be sixteen on November 17. I study in SMA 4 grade XI, Science program. I love my class and the people in class, my friends and my bestfriends
. Now, I’m in elementary 4 in LIA Srondol.
My motivation in learning English because I want to go abroad, meet new people, see different countrie and cultures, sceneries and atmosphere. I want to go to beautiful places that I can only see from television. I could only hear some interesting stories about those places. I want to go and study there. USA, Australia, Japan, Paris and Germany are interesting places to visit. By learning English, it will be easier for us to interact with people there, especially when we are Japan, Paris, or Germany, we can use English if we cannot speak Japanese or French. That Is because English is International language. Everyone studies English.
Nowadays, English is used in science and technology, business, industry and others. For example in business. Companies need people who are good in English for the advancement of their company. Those people can communicate well with foreign investors and attract them to invest their capital, and also maintain good relations with their companies. That is why we need to learn and master English. If we can speak English well and fluently, we will be easier in global competition, because almost all decent jobs require someone who can speak English well. All people want international standards.
Learning English is very easy and fun. At school, we get English lessons and we can take English course such as LIA. We can also learn from the songs that use English language, which is a trend among teens and sing famous songs such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, etc. By listening and understanding the lyrics, we learn English.
Hi! My name is Lisa Angelia. People usually call me Lisa. I am a 14 years old girl. I’m still in junior high school. Now I am on third grade, soon I’ll face final exam. I go to school in SMP 16 Semarang. It’s not so far from my house. My address is on Jl. Raya Desel, Ngaliyan, Semarang. I have one sister, her name is Eva. She’s 18 years old. To be honest with you, I often fight with her just because a little thing. I have a lot of hobbies, they are reading, singing, surfing internet, listening to music, etc. They help me relax myself after school, because, there are a lot of assignments that I have to finish.

I like English. Frankly, I used to hate English. Because, I thought English is not so important. Even, when I was in elementary school I never studied English if there will be a test. Fortunately, my result was good. But, since I’m in junior high school, I like English and learned more. I used to like Indonesian songs only, but not anymore. I started to like foreign songs (especially English). Then, my father suggested me to join in LIA. And I received his suggestion. Now, I’m in elementary 3. Anyway, before I joined in EA program, I joined in ET program first. I followed the placement test for ET. Then, I was received in rainbow class. But, I thought that the lesson for rainbow class is too easy for a third grade student like me. Unfortunately, all of my friends are younger than me. Then, Mr. Andi suggested me to follow placement test for EA. Fortunately, I was received in elementary 2.
All of my friends in elementary 2 were senior high school students. I’m afraid that I can’t make friends with them. I was wrong! They were enjoying to make friends with me. Until now I’m in elementary 3. I am happy to be the youngest student in elementary 2 and 3. In LIA I can improve my English skill. And in every meeting we always speak in English, so I can speak English more fluently. In teaching and learning, there are some exciting games that make us easier to learn English.
I was surprised when Ms. Anggra (the teacher) told me that I’m the outstanding student! Wow! She said, I got the highest score of all. Me? The highest score? Why not the other students? It means that I’m the smartest student (I guess). However, I’m very grateful and thanks to God. Keep learning!

Hi! If you are reading this, I’m going to be fifteen on 17th September 2011. I am originally a super tomboy and hyper school-girl who studies at SMP 12 Semarang. I live happily with my parents and little brother, and little sister. Oh right, knowing me so far, my name is Khansa Abi Zhafira. My friends call me Khansa, and my families call me Abi. I like internet things and books and writing, and drawing. In communities I am usually known as Sacchan. You can tell from my nick name that I am a Japanese lover. Of course I am! If you see my playlist, then you’ll be the witness of kanji overload. Speaking of music, you really should try to listen to LM.C, and for those who love headbang-ing, try the GazettE! THEY ARE AWESOME! I also love English, mostly because it eases me to communicate all over the world (via internet, of course). It’s nice chatting with other people from other countries. I have my own world of Englishness in my Livejournal account which really helps me on studying and having fun in one easy take. English has become my soul-mate-like subject and hobby since the first time I knew how to count one until ten! Well that’s all. If you want to know me more, send me e-mail here: ore_onna@ymail.com

My name’s Najla Firda Safira, but you can call me with Najla. I was born on Grobogan, April the 5th 1998, and now I’m 12 years old. Every day, I go to Junior High School 2 Semarang, I’m seventh grader in there. And my hobbies are playing computer, reading, and finding new knowledge.
I enter LIA, because I want to improve my English skills, I want to get new friends, and get new experience. When I was 5th grader, I entered EC-5A. Then, when I graduated from elementary school and be Junior High School’s student, I had English for Teenagers program on ET-3.
I’m very proud to be the student of LIA. I like the way to study English, truly it’s fun and not make me boring. The teachers are very kind, LIA’s teachers who ever teach me are Ms. Sari, Ms. Nina, Ms. Anggra, Ms. Irene, Ms. Tari and Mr. Heru. I hope in the next term, the teacher and the lesson can make me to be getting better in LIA.

Hi, my name is Galih Dea Pratama, but you can call me Galih. I was born in Bekasi on June 25, 1996, so now I am 14 years old. Since 2002, my family moved to Semarang because my father got a new job in Dr. Kariadi Hospital. Now, I go to school in State 2 Junior High School Semarang at 9th grade. I live in Kusuwardani H-11 Semarang. I have some hobbies, such as play video games, reading books, listening to music, and editing videos in my laptop. I have a father and a mother, but I don't have any sister or brother, so I am the only child in my family. At first, I don't ever think that I will noted as one of the outstanding students in LIA. But, after Miss Lala said that I am one of outstanding students of LIA, I am very proud of myself because I've learned hard and my effort have made me as one of outstanding students in LIA.

The reason why I learned English because it's an international language that must be mastered by every people throughout the world, and I like English because it's an interesting language that can be learned easily. I learned English from Elementary School 4th grade, then I took an English course for 5 years. After 9th grade, I took an English course at LIA Semarang Candi. I entered there from ET-5. I also learned English from playing video games because many of it uses English as main language. Also at my school now, the language there uses a bilingual system teaching that uses two languages for some subjects.

Well, maybe that's all about me. See ya'.

Lya Zulfa Hanum was born in Brebes, July 14 1988. She is still listed as a student in Diponegoro University, major in English Literature. She joined LIA since July in CV-3. Now she lives in Karangawen, Demak together with his brother.
To be selected as one of outstanding students in very surprising for her. When she came to LIA’s office to register for CV-4, she read the list of outstanding students and she spoke to herself “How if my name’s here? It’ll be wow! Haha, forget it…”
She was pretty sure that she can’t make it. But now she knows she can make it.
Junior high school is the very first time she learned English formally. At that time, she was wondering, and nervous too, how English is and how to learn it. But at her first meeting in English class, she found out that English is fun. Her mark of English subject makes her, even until now, like learning English. She studied English not only in her formal school, but also in several English learning centers in her town. She had much practices of English questions, and learned five-simple-tenses; simple, progressive, future, past and perfect tense (she was told that if she masters those five tenses, it will be easier to understand English grammar). There, she met Mr. Lis Gunarto, one of her tutors who inspired—and encouraged too—her to improve her English ability always and always. She then began to have a dream to learn English specifically in English major of a university. Later, she’d find that her dream comes true.
However, as she moved on, she found that her active ability does not increase as well as her passive one. She can write a good, full paragraph in English but can not speak as fluently as English people. She knew she need more practice, but she need a conducive environment to practice speaking. That’s why she decided to go to LIA where she can learn to have conversation in English in fun and conducive way.
For her, learning English is fun—it is the basic rule to learn anything because everything will be easier when we enjoy it. The second one is practice. The best way to learn language is practicing. Lya practiced the five simple tenses, to do English questions, to write, even to read, and now to speak in English. As people says “practice makes perfect”, because practicing makes us familiar to what we are studying as well as making it easier and more enjoyable to learn.
In this article, Lya wants to say thanks to everyone meant to her; God for the chance to join LIA, Mom and Dad for all the supports, Mr. Lis Gunarto for his inspiration and encouragement, and a big hug for CV-3 class. Without those inspiring persons, she could be nothing like this.

Full Name                      : Adeura Marry A 
Nick Name                     : Merry
Birth                             : Semarang,March 13th 1996
Age                               : 15 years old
School                           : SMP NEGERI  1 SEMARANG
Hobby                           : Listen to the music,study,enjoy this life with family and friends
Favorite things to say     : A Good Beginning makes A Good Ending

          I love english very much,and LIA is my happy learning place :D.With english......we can communicate with other people from other country easily. So, our networking will be very good with many people around the world. If we are keen on speaking English, we can sing many western songs easily, we can chat with all people around the world, It is really a disadvantage if we go abroad but we can’t speak English right? So, just try to love English, It’s such a fun and useful languange, yeah! Succes for you all :D 


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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