A Quick Note - Demo Teaching of Teachers in Semarang


‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ game. T divides the class into 5 groups. Arrange the four items based on the questions. The topic is about car accessories and cars. Ss are given 10 seconds. The game is found in www.superteachertools.com.

T divides the class in pairs. T asks the Ss to do the Face-to-face reading activity. T distributes the KWL sheet to each student. T asks Ss to write the point in the K and W column.

Face-to-face reading with longer passage.

T divides the class into several groups. T distributes a passage. T cuts the passage into three parts. Ss discuss the passage. Ss create and fill in the graphic organizer. The focus group members go to other group and create a home group.

Each group with different names has cards with different colors: pink, blue, green, etc. T flashes the next stage of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’. When a color is shown, the group must answer the question. The questions are related with inventions. The answers are multiple choice.

With the same group, T asks more questions with a different type of quiz. The questions are in the form of C/I statements and M/C items.

T reviews the points of the lesson using the head colored scheme. T asks questions. T uses the whistle to give signal that the Ss can move to touch the board. The one who is the fastest in touching the board gets the chance to answer the question.

T distributes the PMI sheet to Ss. Ss should do the activity as group work. Ss are asked to analyze the pluses and the minuses of the inventions. Ss then stick the already-filled PMI sheet on the wall and other members are asked to give their comments on the sheet.

T asks Ss to create their own invention (future car) which is environmentally friendly and can save more energy.


T elicits the names of colors from the Ss. T asks Ss to mention some reasons why they like some colors. They are asked to mention some phrases using colors too.

T then plays the song ‘Out of The Blue’ from Michael Learns to Rock’ and asks the Ss sing along if they want.

T divides the class into five groups and asks them to do a quiz related to colors and the color idioms. T asks Ss to write down on slips of paper and guess the word based on the clues, e.g. black and blue, red pencil, blue in the face, etc.

T then distributes the KWL sheet to each student. T asks Ss to write the idioms using colors that the Ss already know the meaning of in the K column. Ss then write the idioms the haven’t known the meaning of in the W column.

T asks Ss the Ss to form new groups based on the color cards they have. Each group should read the passage based on the colored paper with the passage stuck on the wall. T then distributes the chunks of paragraph to each student and asks each student to find his/ her friends based on the arrangement of the chunks. New groups are then formed.

The group finds the idioms in the passage and tries to create a graphic organizer (cloud style). After they finish the activities, three members go to three different groups. They have to compare the graphic organizer with the ones’ from other groups. Later they return to the FOCUS GROUP and discuss their findings.

T then asks Ss to answer the problems related to idioms using colors and match them with the true meanings. (power point)

T distributes the strips of the idioms and asks the Ss to use the idioms (applying the knowledge).

Ss stay in the same group. T plays the numbered-head activity. T calls out the number with color and asks the Ss with the number called to stand in front of the class. T then provides comprehension questions and one chosen student answers. Other members can help his/ her friend who stands in front of the class.

Ss work in the same group. T plays the timed round robin game. Ss must answer the questions and they are related to the idioms. Other groups can note down the number of questions that are answered.

T provides several songs and Ss should give explanations about the song using 5-WH framework. Each student then presents his/ her findings in front of the class. If time allows, each student can find a song and explain the content of the song and the idioms found in the song.


T asks some questions e.g. Have you ever lied?

T shows a video downloaded from YOUTUBE with the key words: FBI: Catch A Liar.

T conveys the lesson objective.

T distributes several candies as a way to group the Ss. T shows a video related to catching a liar. Ss then have to work in groups. Ss take some candies from the T’s bag. Ss go to the articles and read the passages. The passages are printed on the sheets and they are stuck on the wall. The passages are long and Ss should take notes while reading the passages. Ss should retell the passage.

Each student then reads 2 paragraphs silently for better comprehension.

T asks Ss to do the T/F exercise. T plays the colored-head game. Ss with candies stand in front of the class. T asks several questions. There are several sheets of paper on the wall with T (True) or F (False) characters. Student who knows the answer should take the F or T paper.

Ms. Sari's group is presenting the reading for comprehension techniques. The T shows the question on a large used calendar paper and the Ss work in pairs.One student facing the T reads the question and the other answers. Great variation of reading comprehension question technique! :-)
T calls out Ss who have the capilanos candy. T asks the Ss to stand as pairs and T shows a question written on a large calendar paper. The student who faces the teacher reads the question and the other student answers the question. The Ss can do the activity in turns.

T prepares some questions related to vocabulary items found in the text. Ss should answer the questions (MS Excel).

T prepares a cloze activity: The Fine Art of Catching Liars.

T prepares questions for Intermingle activity. Each student asks his/ her friend questions related to the passage that the Ss have read.


T distributes a sheet of paper containing the lyrics of ONCE UPON A TIME and Ss should fill in the blanks with the names of colors. T pauses from time to time to give the Ss chances to fill in the blanks.

T elicits the answers and writes down the colors the Ss produce.

T conveys the lesson objective.

T divides the Ss into groups using colors. Each group consists of 4 persons. Ss read the passages. Ss must scan the passage and list down the idioms on a prepared sheet of paper with colors written on it.

T conducts a face-to-face reading activity. Ss are paired up. The passage is divided into two parts and each student gets one part while the other gets the rest.

Yemima's group modified the use of quiz using MS Excel as a matching exercise. Waaaaa. Why didn't I think of thaaaat? *thumbs up*

T reviews the lesson. T prepares a short quiz (MS Power Point). Ss work in groups. The representative can answer the question.

T provides en exercise of filling in blanks.


T elicits color from the Ss by asking: Why do you wear this shirt now? Is there any reason? What’s your favorite color? Why do you like it?

T shows a graph with five colors. T asks Ss to rank the colors based on their preference. The Ss do the activity individually. T then shows the table showing the rank and the personality each color represents. Green = cruel for the 1st rank, 2nd bad-tempered, etc.

'So if you put green on the 1st place, your personality isssss.... '

Using color quiz: prioritizing Ss preferences and then provide the interpretation of their results. Very creatiiiive!

T provides a passage divided into several paragraphs. After each paragraph, there is a question. Ss must answer the question.

T then shows the slides showing several sentences with some idioms with colors. Ss guess the meaning of the idioms and keep the answer to themselves. Then T provides a sentence and asks the Ss to choose the synonym (M/C items). T explains that the color idioms don’t have explicit meanings.

T divides the class into two. The representative of each group raises the hand and answers the questions.

T divides the class into two groups. One rep stands back to back and the one who can see the board read the question and answers. They then exchange the turn.

T asks Ss to do cloze activity. Ss then compare their work with each other and discuss.


T plays the ‘Ranking Satu’ game. All Ss stand up and are given a piece of paper. They have to write the answer on the paper. The Ss with the wrong answers should return to their seats. The ones with the right answer can still stand up. There are at least 8 questions. The last person who stands is the winner.

The previous scene of that 'Ranking Satu' game. The T is reading the question and the Ss write the answer before showing it to the 'public'.

T asks the Ss to work in pairs. T prepares a video showing several types of cars starting from the classic ones to the more and most modern ones. One student watches the first part of a video provided by the T and the partner should wait outside. They then exchange the position and the T plays the second part of the video.

'I'm from FERRARI group! I want to answer the question, pleaseeeee.'

The pair then is united and the T distributes a venn diagram organizer. The team should fill in the diagram together as pair and find the similarities and differences: Ss mention the adjectives used to describe the cars. T then elicits the vocabulary items related to words related to cars: gasoline, spare parts.

T conveys the lesson objective: cars and the media to make the car run.

T divides the class into 2 groups. T plays the ‘inner and outer circle’. T uses claps as a sign for the Ss to answer, to move to the left/ right. The material is similar to the face-to-face reading technique.

Face-to-face reading dikombinasi dengan inner-outer circle. Waaaaa! Kreatiiip deh.

T ………. (kinda lost here. The ‘teachers’ speaks veeerrrry faaast! L )

T divides the class into several groups. T distributes the paragraphs and distributes the cloud graphic organizer. Ss discuss within their groups. Ss then put the graphic organizer on the wall. T takes the passage back and asks Ss to do the gallery walk. One student stays to explain about the passage to the others.

T plays the numbered-head together. Ss form groups based on specific years. T then asks questions several questions related to the reading passage: Geoffrey Balard. Ss then create their future car in the form of a graphic organizer. The Ss can choose any format of GO they like.

Shared by Sitha Damayanti who did the training in LBBPP LIA Semarang Candi September 28-30


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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