Rafida is 11 years old. She was born in Semarang. Her idol is Super Junior. Rafida
wanted to watch her idol concert. But Rafida’s parents’ prohibits to come to
the concert. Rafida known my favorite music, Roar, by Katy Perrry. Ni ask her
to sing it but she cannot.memorize the lyric. Aarrgh… so hard to ask her sing
Rafida hs never watched “The Lego Movie”. Same like me.
Rafida has never read “Famous Five” book. But it’s the best I’ve ever read.
Rafida doesn’t like detective book because she don’t understand the plot. She
likes romance books, horror books, and K=Pop books. Oh, my God.
She doesn’t have a boyfriendbut she has a crush, do you want
to know? Ssk her yourself.
And the extra question I askto Rafida, Rafida has negver
slept on railway for 5 hours. But she want to slept in spectacular place, like
undersea, railway, etc. ck...ck…ck…
Written by Kallya
I want to tell you about Kallya
Kallya is 11 years old. She was born in Semarang, Indonesia.
She has lived there all of her life. She has listened to reggae music. She
enjoy listened it, because she loved it. Kallya has never written a horror book
because she liked detective’s book. She has never joined cooking competition.
She doesn’t like cooking. She has slept in 5-star-hotel. She thought that it’s
comfortable. One thing she liked is the bed, because she can sleep at there.
Kallya has watched romance film. She accidentally watched it. She feel enjoyed
it. Kallya has never gone to Jeruk Puruk cemetery because she is scared if she
gone to Jeruk Purut cemetery in the night.
Written by Rafida
EC 6A/ Term 1/ 2014
Student journal