TPR= Total Physical Response

 By Bimo SB

TPR takes into account that people learn best when they are actively involved- and understand the language they hear. This is especially true of children who developmentally have shorter attention spans and need to wiggle. Thus, the following   teaching procedures and some examples of teaching grammar below are effective enough to apply TPR IN the children classes.
A.      Teaching  procedures    
1.       Preparation:                       Introduce the important vocabulary items.
2.       Setting up:                           Have students sit in a circle or other informal arrangement. Set up the situation in front of the students.
For some of the Lessons you’ll just need to grab a piece of chalk. For others you may need to bring items from home. Talk about what you’ll be doing, i.e.,” I am getting ready to draw a picture.
3.       Demonstration:                 Read the lesson while you do the action.
4.       Student Modeling:           Read the lesson while a student does the action.
5.       Reinforcement:                 Repeat step number 4.
6.       Total class participation: Read the lesson and have the entire class carry out the instructions.
7.       Variation:                             Change the lesson sequence.

Hints for teachers of children ages 5-8:
1.       Review vocabulary
2.       Exaggerate the lesson with pantomime
3.       Play with props.
4.       Use drill and games to reinforce the grammatical concept.
5.       Create your own sentence

Hints for teachers of children ages 9-11:
1.       Have a student play teacher
2.       Do a pictograph or written word record of a sequence.
3.       Ask more advanced students to do a sequence with less advanced or beginning students.
4.       Exaggerate the lesson with pantomime.
5.       Use drills and games to reinforce grammatical concepts.
6.       Create your own sentence.

B.      Applying TPR in Teaching grammar.                                                     
Concept                                : Present Continuous I + You                                      Concept                : Prepositions
Example of          :  I’m /you’re walking/running/drawing                  Example of         : under
Materials              : a pair of paper wings for a child to use                  Materials            : a table, chair, book, pencil, piece of paper


             A  FLYING BIRD   
You’re a bird.    
Pick up the book.
You’re going to fly.
Put it under the table
You’re walking.
Pick up the pencil
You’re running.
Put it under the table.
You’re running faster.
Pick up the book
You’re flapping your wings.        
Put  it under the chair
You’re flapping and running.      
Pick up the piece of paper
Put it under the table
You’re flying.    
Put it under the chair
You’re flying faster.       
The piece of paper under the chair
You’re flying slower.
Pick up the crayon
Good, you’re resting
Put it under the piece of paper

Taken from FORUM, 2005


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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