Comparison: They Are Not Poles Apart

In Intermediate 2 Book, students learn how to make comparison—similarity—that once looked poles apart. However, as soon as they listed down the similarity between two things, they could come up with fresh yet unique ideas. Here are students’ writings from comparing the things.

Points of comparison: LIA’s canteen and your school canteen

LIA’s and my school’s canteen have several things in common. The first similarity is both LIA’s and my school canteen sell food and drink. For example: both of them sell instant noodle and fresh water. The second similarity is that both have chairs, tables, wall. Lamps, refrigerator and bowls. Finally, not only LIA’S canteen but also my school’s canteen’s seller is woman. In brief, LIA’S canteen and my school’s canteen, though not identical, but not poles apart.

Written by: Nida, Mia, Irma and Agni

Points of comparison: hig school life and campus life

Not many us are aware of that high school life and campus life have several things in common. The first similarity is that both high school and campus life give education for students. Second similarity is that both of also give experience and many friends for students. Third similarity is that all students of high school and campus have a lot of homework and they must do examination to be promoted to next grade or semester. Next, all students learn something to get information and practice their skill. Both high school and campus students need teachers and books to guide them. In short, not only high school and campus are important for the students’ future.

Written by: Abel, Sarah, Yhani, Astri

Points of comparison: HT mobile and Nexian

There are many kinds of mobile phone these days, two of them are HT mobile and Nexian. Each of them have advantages and disadvantages. But they have several things in common. The first similarity is that both HT mobile and Nexian have stylish model. Both of them have qwerty keypad, similar to Blackberry. The second similarity is both of them can be used for two SIM cards. That’s why many people choose this kind of phone because it’s easier to bring one phone with two SIM cards compared to bringing two mobile phones. Unfortunately, both Ht mobile and Nexian have the same minus, easy to break down. The last similarity is that both of them have similar features: Bluetooth, camera, mp3 player, and others. In conclusion, both HT mobile and Nexian are different brand but they are not poles apart.

Written by: Riri, Bibah, Yossi, Rian.

Points of comparison: Teenagers in Jakarta and Semarang

Not many of us are aware that teenagers in Jakarta and Semarang have several things in common. The first similarity is that both teenagers in Jakarta and Semarang like shopping. Therefore, both teenagers from Jakarta and Semarang are fashionable because they like shopping. The second similarity is that both teenagers from Jakarta and Semarang like fast food or junk food. Therefore, several of them like hanging out. While they are hanging out, they do some activities that are not poles apart: gossiping, telling stories among them and others. In brief, teenagers in Jakarta and Semarang are not far different from their life style.

Written by: Adit, Wisnu, Firdaus, Rudi.

Note: the activity was done in groups since the time was not allowed to continue to individual writing. Later on, when they get their periodic test, they would do it individually. At least, they experience to write comparison between two things.

Shared by: Ms. LAla in her Intermediate 2/ Term 3/ 2010


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