(Short Story) Life Moves in a Myterious Way

Written by; Farida Saraswati
ET 2/ Term 4/ 2015

They don't believe in 'happy ending'

"Your mother has gone away. Your father looks at you like you are kind of virus. You know, everyone you thought forever is leaving. One by one, exodus," -Him

"It feels like I'm alone. Like I'm the only one who depends on them. And like nobody depends on me. Like everybody is only comes to leave," -Her
But something called 'faith' makes them at least know that there is a 'happy ending'

Smile. Happy. Joyful. Comfortable.
They thought it was the end, but what called reality beat them.

"He said he gonna marry his affair," -?

"Mum?" -?

Very hard.


Back to when they still don't believe in 'happy ending'

"The rule is truth. We can lie now, but if one day, one of us knew the truth, you could ask three wishes to the one who lied," Zoe smirks

Azazil is really frustrated, why he still can't read her mind, even with Zoe's-Nine-Years-Best friend's (and two years boyfriend, for your information) label on him.
"Okay Zoe, just, tell me what your problem is so I can help you. You know I'm not good at riddle,"

"I take it as a yes," Zoe smiles while Azazil wipes his hair.

Zoe looks into Azazil's eyes. With the look that different from usual, she asks the first question, "What happened between you and your father?"

Azazil is shocked for a second then he changes it the next second, "What?"

Zoe rolls her eyes, "You. And. Your. Father,"

"Nothing," he says, trying to be relaxed.

Zoe folds her hand in front of her chest, and says, "liar," with serious look in her eyes.

Azazil closes his eyes, take a deep breath before saying, "he got drunk two days ago and, he hangover and he said that he has an affair,"
Zoe opens her mouth but Azazil doesn't let her to speak. He wants at least someone to know, someone to hear his story,"long time before my mother has gone," he smiles. Forced smile.

Zoe is shocked, and even become more shocked when hearing the truth,
"And I was an adopted child," came up for Azazil's mouth.

Nothing she can do but hug and let Azazil leans on her shoulder.

"Silly, uh?" Zoe asks. Not sure if that statement is for Azazil or herself, cause seconds after that she says, "my mother never loves my father," she laughs for second then continued, "She left after my birth. She left us. Me and my father. She even not come at my father's funeral. And my father... he still love me, even after knowing that I'm not his biological daughter,"

And that talkative girl starts to cry.


 "So, what about you and your father again, A?"

It's been around two weeks after Zoe cries for hours in rooftop, and around two days Azazil's father has not come back home.

"I don't even know where he is,"

"Do you call him?"

"Should I?"

"Of course you should," Zoe slaps his arms.

"Are you sure he will answer call from his adopted child?" Azazil says sarcastically.

It's just a clock ticking that sounds for a few minutes after that. Both of them do even not try to break the silence. They are just busy with their feeling. Feeling that there are blocks that there is a huge maze blocking them from happiness. Feeling that they even wonder if they can breathe easily because a new maze formed when they can pass previous maze.

And that maze is called reality.

Azazil's phone is ringing and he picks it right after reading the caller ID.

"What happened?" No greeting. No 'Dad'. Cold voice.

"What did he say?" Zoe asks. She sure that whatever Azazil's father has said, it must be big things-or problem-cause Azazil has a sudden expression change after hanging up the call.

"He said he's gonna marry his affair,"


7 PM
at Restaurant.

"She is there. With my father. Can I hold my anger?" he asks to himself.
"A," called Zoe, "I'm here,"


They walk closer, to table #7. But there is only Mr. Gill on the table. Oh, there is a woman bag, too.

"Maybe she is in toilet," Azazil says.

"Be nice to her," Mr. Gill says right after Azazil and Zoe sit. "Remember she is your mother,"

"No, she is not. I don't even know who my mother is," Azazil says with his cold voice.

Zoe thinks that Mr. Gill is going to punch Azazil but  sounds of footstep interrupt them.

"Oh, there she is," Mr. Gill smiles.

And the only thing that Zoe can do is saying,



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