Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is our annually program. Every year, we do this program in different kinds of programs. In this year, LIA Pusat assigned all LIA branches and affiliates to conduct the CSR program in a form of teaching certain schools. What do we teach? English, for sure. The different thing of this CSR program is the ones who have to teach are students. Some students were offered to do this voluntary teaching. Before the D-day, they did some rehearsals from the materials given.

It was Monday, September 29, 2015. Ms. Santi, Mr. Bimo, Ms. Lala and Mr. Bambang were ready to head for the destination, Pondok Pesantren Al-Burhan located in Gedawang, Banyumanik. When they got there, it was quite quiet since some students just got their some days off due to Idul Adha. Therefore, some of them were not back from their hometown.

But, the show must go on. It was about 14.00, the T-time to start the teaching process. Waiting is not everyone’s favorite, by the way. So, while waiting, we took some pictures of the students, the teachers, the voluntary teachers, the Pondok pesantren staff and of course, the school building where they study. After taking the pictures, finally it was time to start the teaching.

There were two classes with two voluntary teachers in each class. Noval and Pascal taught Class A, while Risya Amanda Cahyani and Duanda Gumilar were in charge of another class. They started from introducing themselves and then asked the students to introduce their names. As soon as the introduction finished, they started teaching. The materials were provided by LIA Pusat: Greeting, introduction, place of origin, etc. They did drilling, filling in some blanks, matching, etc. The students looked enthusiastic, some of them even were better than expected.

2 hours passed in thrilling moments. For the students, according to Mr. Supriyono S.Ag, the headmaster, it was their first time to get guest teachers who teach English, and from the voluntary teachers, it was their first time, too, to teach in formal school. So, for both of them, this CSR program really gave them a great experience. So, there is a great chance to do another CSR program in a form of teaching.
Reported by Ms. Lala


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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