Teaching EC 4 with some games

It’s been difficult to teach children with some fun sometimes. As for me, it is not that easy to create games by myself related to the topic discussed in the book. But this time, the material gave me some rooms to be a bit creative to create some games. The topic is about hobby with comparative and superlative as the grammar focus.

There are some activities to expose students to the grammar and the topic. You can find them all as follow:

1.       Tic Tac toe

This is a common game that almost all teachers know how to play it. But this time, the words inside the boxes are adjectives with one syllable since this is the first encounter of comparative and superlative.

Divide the students into 2 groups. Give each of them marker. Play rock, paper, scissors to decide who will start the game. They take turn to fill in the box. The winner is the group who can make correct answers in three boxes diagonally or vertically.

2.       Domino

Make this domino adjusted as the topic: hobby. I happened to make it myself. It’s like the common domino but this time the dots replaced by words and pictures. In one piece of card, there will be one activity and one picture showing an activity/ hobby. 

How to play this domino is similar to common domino. Place one card on the floor. One student starts to play by placing his card next to one on the floor and say the sentence: I think playing football is harder than reading a book. The next student takes turn by doing the same thing. It goes on until they run out the cards.

3.       Board Game

This board game is available in www.toolsforeducators.com . You can make it by yourself with Hobby. Just click the pictures you want to put in the board game and click Make It. 

How to play the game is almost similar to the common board game. You need to provide dice and pointers. You can have three or four students in one group. First player rolls the die and put the pointer. He makes a sentence without putting any comparative. The next player will roll the die and put the pointer, then a sentence describing a comparison. For example: I think playing marble is better than playing cards. The third player will roll the die, put the pointer then a sentence. This time he compares the last activity from the second student. For example: I think playing card easier than knitting.

4.       Playing cards

Some kids like playing cards. This time, they make the cards on their own. The book introduces comparison among singers, sports celebrities and actors. They list down their favorite actors, singers and sports celebrities in different pieces of paper. The teacher collects all the cards for all students then scrambles them.
How to play the cards is simple. One student puts a card on the floor. It says Rihanna. She can make a sentence: Rihanna is a good singer. The second student puts the card she has, it says: Rowan Atkinson is funnier than Rihanna. The third and the rest of the students will do the same until they finish their cards. 

First, don’t forget to drill the students with the expressions of giving opinion and grammar. It is suggested to introduce them to some other easier vocabulary so that they won’t repeat the same words, related to hobby. Teachers can help them with some names of singers, actors and sports celebrities in order to avoid using the same name more than three times.


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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