BOOK REVIEW: The Five People You Meet In Heaven


Written by Mitch Albom

Reviewed by Gusla Shidiq N


The story is about a man called Eddie. He worked in a park along his life as an engineer. He took care and fixed various rides there. In his 83th birthday, Eddie got an accident when he wanted to rescue a little girl who would be hit by a broken ride which is falling onto her. In that moment, when he was in agony under the sunlight, he heard many things like sounds of screams, waves, music, winds and many tones from low until high. Then he was die.

After he died, he traveled to heaven and met the first person, the Blue Man. He said to Eddie that he would meet five people whose life related to you. He also told Eddie that indirectly Eddie was responsible for his death. He showed the truth to Eddie that the Blue Man was died because he felt guilty with his experience, that was, almost hit Eddie’ friend when they were playing. From the Blue Man’s story, Eddie learned that an event was not accidentally happened, but it had a connection to each other which made a reason for it.

Next, the setting was change to become in a war ground in Philippines. There, Eddie met his captain. He showed Eddie an event when Eddie wanted to save a girl in a fire, but the captain shot his leg to stop him entering the fire. He told Eddie about the meaning of sacrifice in live.

Then, he drown back to his father’s house in mountain range, he saw a scene where a man   wanted to hurt his mother. His father who saw it tried to against the man until the man fell to the pier. From that time his father suffered pneumonia which finally killed him. He learned how to lose his anger to his father.

The next person he met was his wife in a wedding reception. She told him that although she was passed away, she still loved him and saw him from heaven. She explained about the meaning of true love.

The last person he met was the girl who would be rescued from the fire by him when he was in Philippines. The end of the story was Eddie became an angle who kept children’s safety.

I like this story because I can felled it, and my favorite part is when Eddie met the first person in heaven, the Blue Man. Because when Eddie met the Blue Man I can learned something that an event was not accidentally happened, but it had a connection to each other which made a reason for it.

I recommend this story to people who like moving and touching sroty, I would recommend this story for all ages,


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