I can say that this is a dream I’ve been dreaming of since I join a community of reading books. In 2011, I happened to get to know a website whose members are bookworms, Goodreads. Unlike facebook or other social media, this website offers vast knowledge of books, past-present-future, instead of gaining friends with various hobbies. The interest of the members is just books, both reading and reviewing books they have read. From my experience teaching many levels, I found out that some students love reading, even though they have their own preferred genre in books.

From joining the site, I gained some friends who live in the same town, Semarang. I was surprised since they are not only crazy about reading books, but also collecting them. for me, if I can find someone who can lend me, or I could find the soft copy (ebook), why would I buy books? What a ridiculous thought I had. From then on, I’ve become my friends’ regular borrower. I can borrow books I’d like to read, and gladly, I can return it anytime I want since the books are their private collection, different from public library which requires the members to return them in 2 weeks.

From the experience of borrowing here and there, then I got an idea of lending my book collection to students. I often brought my books to class every time the discussion is about hobby. I didn’t only want to show off to students, but also expect if there’s a student wants to borrow. Yet, so far, none of them wanted to borrow. They’re not confident enough to borrow or maybe some other reasons so that my book collection is safe and sound. Lol. Well, then, a friend of mine got the idea of putting a reading corner somewhere in a room so that every one can take and read freely without any reservations. So, that’s the idea of establishing Reading Corner located in administration room. Why did I choose the place? Well, many people go there, waiting for classes, waiting to register, parents waiting for their children, and other reasons.
Last but not least, I expect that this small idea can be bigger as an established library that can spoil both teachers and students. Books, for me, can be a very good companion anytime and any place. As Charles W. Eliot said, Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. So, let’s read. 


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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