Interactive Writing through Social Media

By. Ms. Lala 

Social media is mushrooming these days. It’s barely hard to find people who don’t have facebook account, or twitter of any other social media. Facebook used to be very popular some years ago before twitter and other media became more popular. Teenagers especially love to express their feeling through this media. Facebook is kind of online diary for them. most of the time , the people not only share their opinion o thought but also share their complaints, their problems, etc. in my point of view, it will be much more beneficial if Facebook is used for other more better things.

Last term, I taught ET 11 whose materials are packed with writing about many things. Instead of writing in their note that I consider quite old fashioned, why not I asked the students to write and upload their writing in Facebook. Some of them are really good in writing.

At first, it was hard to push them to upload their writing. They got 1001 reasons not to publish their writing. They prefer twitter to Facebook. But, it will be hard to check since Twitter only allows 140 characters. Not to mention I don’t follow their account. No matter what, the activity must go on.

I took unit 8 from ET11 Book. It’s about Unforgettable Moments meeting idols. At first, I asked them their idols. Some of them really had idols, others were a bit confused whom they idolize. The idols have to be someone they wish to meet so that it will be easier to write. After teaching the targeted material, the students started to write. I asked to write in their cellphone. For the students who didn’t have smartphone, I provided laptop to write. Unfortunately, since writing is not an easy task, it needs deep concentration; some students couldn’t finish the task.

For those who have finished their writing, they were to upload it in their Facebook and tag LBPPLIA Semarang Candi Facebook account and their friends’ accounts. Those were tagged should visit and give comments. Unbelievebly, it turned out to be a success. The students quite enjoyed commenting their friends' posts and replying their friends' comments.

Encouraging students to write is sometimes a challenge but encouraging them to show off their work is even more challenging. Yet, it seems that it is a waste if we, teachers do not do anything to see our students' aptitude in writing


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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