A Technique of Reviewing Third Person Singular

By Fatimah Munawar
I’d like to share a technique that I sometimes use when I teach ET 2 lesson 2 about third person singular. It can be used as skill practice, summing up or review. I only need a ball to do this. Followings are the steps:

1.      T asks all Ss to think of one daily activity.
2.      T asks all Ss to stand up in circle;
3.      T says a sentence about daily activity. For example, “ I get up” then throws the ball to student A;
4.       A repeats the previous sentence using third person singular  :“ She gets up ” and

creates a new sentence, for example, “I eat lunch” , then A throws the ball to another student (B), then A sits down. Next, B changes A’s sentence into third person singular (only A’s sentence) : “He eats lunch.”  Then, B creates a new sentence, for example, “I clean my bedroom.” and throws the ball to student C, then B sits down. After that, C changes B’s sentence into third person singular (only B’s sentence) and so on.
If there is a student who makes mistake, he/she throws the ball to the teacher then the T throws the ball to another student. The student who makes mistake mustn't sit down until his/her friend throws the ball to him/her again and he/she says the sentence correctly.

Ps: All students must listen carefully because they’re only allowed to change the sentence once. They can’t repeat their sentences eventhough they realize that the sentence is wrong and they repeat it directly after the first sentence (only accept the first sentence).
For example : A says “ I eat lunch” but B says “ He eat lunch” or “He eat lunch...eh..He eats lunch”. B’s first sentence is wrong, so  B  throws the ball to the T and B mustn’t sit down. Then the T throws the ball to C.


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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