Dialog: Make It Real

 By: Esty Puji Rahayuningtyas 

This kind of activity can be done in all CV levels.
            The writer does this activity to help the students dealing with their obstacles while they are learning English in Conversation class. There many times we see and we meet bright, smart and clever students who have good score in English and could act out the dialog well in the class. But, their skill in doing English task is not followed by their skill in speaking English in public or in front of people. They give reason as they are shy and too embarrassed if they make mistakes while they are speaking English. This condition triggers the writer to create some real time dialog outside the classroom where the unexpected things can be happened beyond their imaginations, such as noisy environment, people staring at them and the sound of traffic.

            The purposes of this activity are to make students speak English in public places, to teach them to be brave and grow some confident to speak English outside the classroom. The last, the writer hopes that the students will use their English words and expressions in more spontaneous ways due to the unexpected things that they may encounter during the act.

The steps :
1.      Teacher gives some rules and explanation toward the activity.
a.       The students have already understood the expression learned.
b.      The students are to be told that they will act out their dialog outside the classroom.
c.       The students cannot bring paper or stationery outside.
d.      They will make a dialog outside according to the places that suit them, such as canteen, parking lot, bench, in front of the front office or on the stairs.
e.       They have to talk as natural as possible, that is why if the get distracted by noise from the traffic they will not express their annoyance in Bahasa but they will use English. They cannot pause their dialog in the mid of conversation if they forgot or got blanked, they have to keep going like when they speak in real life by using English still. They have to act the dialog from the beginning until they are parted.
f.       The teacher gives them around 5-10 minutes to prepare, then she will come to each group and quietly listen to the dialog. There will be no distraction from and interaction with the teacher as she only jots down the grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
2.      Teacher asks the students to find their place to practice and act out the dialog.
3.      After all been done, the teacher and students come back to the class and discuss about their dialog, mistakes in grammar and vocabulary and most of all about their feeling acting out a dialog with some disturbances from traffic noise, hot temperature outside and people staring at them. Each student will share their short experience acting out the dialog outside the class.
4.      Teacher gives feedback to the students.


Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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