Eighteen years ago, it was the first time for me to study at elementary school. At that time, I was a new comer from Sukoharjo. I studied at Kleco 1 Elementary school. I was very happy because my father accompanied me to school  and that day was my first day to go to school. Before the bell rang, my father told me that I must go to my uncle’s house after I finished school. My father said again I must take pedicab and tell the driver to stop in ‘Premulung’  Premulung is a place in Solo. Then the bell rang. It’s time for me to go to class and my father went home.

Then finally, the class was over. I tried to find a pedicab just like my father told me. Suddenly I saw a pedicab and called him loudly. “Sir!”. The pedicab came to me. I told him to stop to Premulung. The driver said yes. After 30- minutes, I arrived at Premulung, I told the driver to to go Agung’s house (my uncle). The driver was confused and tried to ask everyone we met. The driver asked the people, “do you know Agung’s house?”. Everyone of them  said No. at that situation, I wanted to cry loudly because I couldn’t find my uncle’s house. My father said that if you went to Premulung and asked people where agung’s house was, they would know. They would show me where it is.

Finally, I was very angry about it because my father lied to me. I said to the driver to go to Pabelan where my father worked. After I arrived at my father’s office, my father’s friends looked at me like a terrorist. I told my father to pick me up after school. That day was my first time for me to school and first time to get lost in Solo.
Written by Anantha D.B
HI2/ Term4/ 2011


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