by Ms. Sari Karmina

Carousel Feedback is a technique in cooperative learning, introduced by Kagan (2010), which is  best applied in creating stage. The big idea is teams rotate from project to project to leave feedback for other teams.
The stages are as follows:

Setup: Teams spread out team projects around the room. Each project has feedback form attached.
·         Teams stand in front of their assigned projects.
·         Teams rotate clockwise to the next project.
·         For a specific time, teams discuss their reactions to the other team’s project, with no writing.
·         Student # 1 records feedback on feedback form.
·         Students are encouraged to include positive comments.
·         Teacher calls time.
·         Teams rotate, observe, discuss, and give feedback on next project. A new recorder is selected each round.
·         Teams continue until each team rotates back to its own project, or until Teacher calls time.
·         Teams review the feedback they received from the other teams.

As an alternative, I use this technique not only in creating stage but also in motivating stage. For instance, when we teach physical appearance, we can do the followings:
Setup:  Teacher prepares a picture of a person and a piece of paper to write the description for each team and attach them on the wall.
·         Teams stand in front of their assigned picture and describe it.
·         Teacher calls time.
·         Teams rotate clockwise to add description to other team’s work.
·         Teams continue until each team rotates back to its own work, or until Teacher calls time.
·         Teams review the additional description received from the other teams.
·         Teacher may use the work as a feedback on how much students know about the today’s lesson.
Kagan , S. & Kagan, M.  2009. Kagan Cooperative Learning. California: Kagan Publishing.



Starting from October 2009, LIA SEMARANG CANDI blog was launched. The content of the blog will be about all kinds of activities done both by students in class or outside class, and teacher's development. Wish you all who visit the blog will reap the benefits from it. Please leave your comment for further development of the blog. Thank you very much.

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