Junatama Rahmadiasa

Keyword maybe is one of the aspects that I often use in my class. It can be applied in other techniques especially those used for drilling purpose. Unison and flash card are some of the techniques that often use keyword. For example on Elementary 2, lesson one and CV1 Lesson 8,  The topic is about hobby, where the students learn how to ask and answer about his/her or someone else’s hobby. The expressions can be as follow :

What do you like doing in your freetime?
The keyword will be
“... freetime?”
The student who is shown this keyword in gallery walk (in unison) or flashcard must respond accordingly.
The above example is used in presentation stage to make the students aware of the expressions learned. I also use keywords in the next stage, the skill practice, where the students learn to do role play. I use this to lessen the burden of the students and lessen the time that usually use in conventional role play without having to spoil them.
Usually in conventional way, the students are told to make dialog in pairs. They make, memorize, practice the dialog,  and then perform the dialog in front of the class. For some students, to make and memorize the dialog in short time would be a big problem. And mostly the preparation will be time consuming while they usually only perform for no more than 1 minute. And the other students who do not perform yet are more concerned about their preparation than pay attention to the performing students. This will be disadvantageous when we teach in 5-7 slot where the duration is shorter than the other slots. Briefly, for some students, to prepare a dialog is a burden for them.
To lessen the burden of the students, one of the techniques that I usually use is “separated script”, where we ask students to perform the script that is already provided. Student A and student B each has his/ her own script. Student A only has his/her dialog on his/her script, thus he/she must listen to what B said. it also goes otherwise for student B.

This is example of separated script from elementary 2 lesson 5 where the topic is about expressing anger and apologize.
The original version of the separated script are as follows:
Student A (customer)
I have order your burger three hours ago. When will I get them?
(I can’t believe this), I want to talk to your manager.
LUNCH! (I’ve had enough), I’ll cancel the order.

Student B
Blue burger, may I help you?
(I’m sorry), but all of our delivery men are still busy.
(Sorry), but he’s out for lunch ...
(We’re very sorry), It has never happen before.

If we put the expressions in keyword then it will be as follows:
Student A (customer)
I have order your burger three hours ago. When will I get them?
(believe!), I want to talk to your manager.
LUNCH! (enough!), I’ll cancel the order.

Student B
Blue burger, may I help you?
(apologize), but all of our delivery men are still busy.
(apologize), but he’s out for lunch ...
(apologize), It has never happen before.

In order to adjust with the students' ability and also to lessen the boredom I also provide more than one topics (2-3).
To make it more interesting I may choose the pairs randomly using lottery system. I write their names in the small papers and then fold the papers. For each turn, the students will be asked to open two folded papers . The two names who come out will be the pair. Or sometimes I also use musical chair to choose the pair.
To encourage the non performing student to pay attention to their performing friends we may tell them at front that they must retell briefly in storyline the dialog that their friend have just perform. The non performing students also have right to ask the performing students to repeat the dialog one more time. This way, the performing students are also encouraged to perform the dialog seriously. Seriously here means good intonation, clear voice and natural pace (not too fast, not too slow).
The use of keyword in role play can actually still be developed. But because of the limitation of time and resources it will be discussed further in part 2.
I hope it will be usefull for our works in the future.
Semarang, December 19th 2011


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