Say No to A Procrastinator Housemaid

Procrastinator. Do you know what it means? Procrastinator is a person who always puts things off, keep delaying his/ her jobs, and never does what he/ she has to do on time. A Procrastinator will never get anywhere unless he/ she really tries hard, not to procrastinate any jobs at all. So, what would happen if your housemaid is a procrastinator? Housemaid is an important person in our house. Housemaid helps everyone living in our house do household chores, especially when our parents or when none of adults are present in our house. That’s why, housemaid is absolutely not allowed to procrastinate her jobs. Here are some ways to treat a procrastinator housemaid.

First, tell her that she is a procrastinator. Yes, the first task to change someone’s bad habit into good habit is tell that person that she/ he has a bad habit. If that your person is your housemaid, you have the obligation to tell her that she is a procrastinator. That way, hopefully, she will realize what’s wrong with her and straightly eliminate the procrastinate habits.

Second, tell everyone who knows her that she is a procrastinator. After you know that your housemaid is a procrastinator, you have to tell everyone that about her bad habit. Why? It’s because if everyone around her knows that she invariably procrastinates her jobs, she will be ashamed. She will be the one who takes the blame for her own fault. Don’t be afraid because it’s what she needs to make her procrastinator problems disappear. By telling anyone else about her bad habit, you won’t be the one who knows. And you will not be be able to tolerate the stress from her behavior. No one could remind her if she procrastinates her job again. Can you imagine when your procrastinator housemaid forget to wash your uniform, then the next morning you will find your uniform dirty? That’s exactly why you must tell everyone about her procrastination.

Third, dismiss or just fire her. If you already told her that she is leading her way to the gate of the procrastinator , and you have warned everyone about her bad habit , and everyone around her have already reminded her, but she hasn’t changed a bit, dismiss for a few days in order to make her realize her unbeneficial habits. If she comes back with nothing but her procrastination, simply fire her. You have done what you have to do, however, she doesn’t give any respect for you and your family. If she keeps putting things off, it means she doesn’t care about you and your family. And you have nothing to lose, right?

In conclusion, tell your housemaid about her problem, tell everyone around her. And dismiss or fire her are some ways to treat a procrastinator housemaid. By following these tips, I’m sure you won’t regret what you have done with your procrastinator housemaid.

 Written by: Ranintia. A. P/ HI-1


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  1. I agree with the journal that you write, because if we allow our maids to procrastinate them we will get a loss of money and time wasted because our maids are often put off their work. Especially when we are in need of them but they are putting off, like when we membutuhka them that they should wash our clothes to be in use tomorrow. And we should be more sternly to them so they do not facilitate a job that is provided to them. That way, hopefully, they will realize what is wrong with her and straightforward eliminate those habits are always putting off their work. And I also agree with the statement number three, if we are already bored with their behavior better we fire them, so they realize what they have done and not repeat them.

    Ranggamurti Iswara
    Intermediate - 3

  2. Before making someone to be our housemaid we should find how her characters, in order we won't be disappointed later. We mustn't want to get a procrastinator housemaid because it will make us stressful caused there must be houseworks stacked.

    Dini Safitri Z., CV5

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