The Consumerism on TV

Television nowadays is not just another entertaining stuff in our life. It is completely unique phenomenon that is influencing everything we do: how we behave, how we think, and how we grow. It also can be found all over the world. Millions of people in the world have televisions, which are used as sources of information and entertainments for them. It gives a lot of information or actual events for us. However, television nowadays gains more consumerism than educational value on its viewers. Why does it happen? What are the reasons?

Firstly, the sheer volume of advertisements on the TV make the viewers become consumptive. The good quality of the advertisements can profoundly provoke emotions in the viewers. So, the viewers can easily be tempted by the offer of the ads. One of the examples of the ads is home-shopping. In home-shopping, if someone wants to buy something, he/she can just call the dealer/seller. Then, after making a deal, he/she is asked to transfer the money first via ATM and the item will be sent to his/her home.

Second, the other reason why TV gains more consumerism is lack of TV programs which give functional value on the viewers. There are lots of TV programs which aren’t functional on its viewers like ‘sinetron’, dramatic reality show, etc. This occasion will alter the viewers’ way of thinking. Nowadays, there are also many TV programs which imitate foreign TV programs. Those TV programs only give entertainment to the viewers. Sadly, those TV programs are replayed and broadcasted so many times.

Thirdly, topics or issues which are broadcasted in the television are out of government’s control. The TV channel and the government simultaneously should manage the time for the broadcasting, for example time for children or kids, time for teenagers and time for adult. Why should it be applied for us? Because it can make the broadcasting program grow well. So, the viewers can digest which is good or bad for them.

Finally, television can make our life become consumptive, but if we can control ourselves from the temptation, we can reap the benefits from watching TV programs. TV also can be a very useful gadget if we can use it effectively. To sum up, if we are able to be selective in watching TV programs, it will avoid us from consumerism in our real life.

Muhammad Shiddiq Sumitro

HI-4/ Term 3/2010

Mon-Wed / 5-7 PM


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  1. I agree with the discourse above, the benefits of consumerism in which consumers can easily purchase products in television commercials. simply by calling the phone number or mobile phone numbers in television ads.
    I also agree with the lack of TV programs that provide functional value to the pemirsa.contohnya soap operas, reality shows dramatic, this dll.hal thinking than changing the way viewers can also change the way viewers in acting in accordance with what is seen from the television. government should be set when impressions must be aired, so that impressions should be in watching by children can be watched by children are in the afternoon. and the government should spend lots of television shows such as news and impressions in the form of education, so that in addition to functioning as an entertaining and get information, television also has the function of educating. in this case the parents should also be able to choose shows that are good for their children. and can choose which show to which impressions to children and adults.

    CV-2 / MON-WED

  2. I agree with the discourse above, the benefits of consumerism in which consumers can easily purchase products in television commercials. simply by calling the phone number or mobile phone numbers in television ads.
    I also agree with the lack of TV programs that provide functional value to the viewers . the exemple reality shows dramatic , the thinking than changing the way viewers can also change the way viewers in acting in accordance with what is seen from the television. government should be set when impressions must be aired, so that impressions should be in watching by children can be watched by children are in the afternoon. and the government should spend lots of television shows such as news and impressions in the form of education, so that in addition to functioning as an entertaining and get information, television also has the function of educating. in this case the parents should also be able to choose shows that are good for their children. and can choose which show to which impressions to children and adults.

    CV-2 / MON-WED

  3. i think, TV have too many negative effect for the viewers .

    i agree with the journal above that said television can make our life become consumptive .
    Too many tantalize advertisements
    a.k.a commercial break on the TV make the viewers become consumptive

    and , There are lots of TV programs which aren’t functional on its viewers like ‘sinetron’.

    but infact TV have a lot of knowledge and entertainment.
    so TV also can be a very useful if we use it wisely.

    M.Ghany Iskandar
    HI 1

  4. Yes,i agree with that

    Television give a lot of negative and positive impact for the viewers

    In negative impact televion can make viewers becaome consumtive because they watch the aren't functional programs,likes sinetron

    But,when the viewers can control themself,they will get positive impact from television,likes we can know about latest news in the world

    Wisnu Imam

  5. yes,i agree with that

    Television give a lot of negative and positive impact for the viewers

    in negative impact televion can make viewers becaome consumtive because they watch the aren't functional programs,likes sinetron

    but,when the viewers can control themself,they will get positive impact from television,likes we can know about latest news in the world

    Wisnu Imam

  6. in my opinion tv becomes one the of the most important devices which takes place in almost house.It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them.Should for children must be protect to watch tv because children usually watching tv don't know the time until midnight(if good movie),so don't allow children have tv in bedrooms and review the rating tv

    Candra Yanuarizki

  7. in my opinion tv becomes one the of the most important devices which takes place in almost house.It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them.Should to children must be protect to watch tv because children usually watching tv don't know the time until midnight(if good movie),so don't allow children have tv in bedrooms and review the rating tv when watch

    the goverment should expose things have tried to protect the children from,especially violence,pornography,consumersim and so on

    in fact,television can increase knowledge,but it should be noticed, because it can damage the morale of children,example violence,pornography and so on

    Candra Y

  8. I agree that television can make us consumptive. And I also agree that if we can manage what we are going to watch, we will be fine just like the writer mentioned before.

    But, I kind of disagree on the example given about home-shopping. I think home-shopping—not always, but sometimes—can be very helpful. There are some conditions that make us can’t go out for shopping, like tied up on work, etc. But, since the home shopping program is there, we can still buy the products we want.

    And overall, I still agree with the writer’s arguments, especially the opera soap or ‘sinetron’ programs.

    I hope my comments can add our point of view. Thank you.

    Fanny Aleutia L.

  9. Yes i agree that consumerism is one of negative effects of television.
    Good quality and unique ads is created to persuade costumer to buy some products and make viewers become consumptive.
    Recently, tv programs give less functional value for the viewers. It ‘Sinetron’ and reality show dominate tv programs in our country. It’s very poor condition of tv broadcasting in Indonesia.
    Government must pay attention to control topics or issues which are broadcasted. In addition, there should be good coordination between the government and tv channel to manage the time for broadcasting.
    Although there are so many negative effects of television, but television also give many benefits for us, such as for entertainment and give information of actual events. There are also some programs contains of knowledges even just a little.
    The most important thing is we have to be selective in watching tv program, so we can digest which tv program is good or bad for us.

  10. Yes i agree that consumerism is one of negative effects of television.
    Good quality and unique ads is created to persuade costumer to buy some products and make viewers become consumptive.
    Recently, tv programs give less functional value for the viewers. It ‘Sinetron’ and reality show dominate tv programs in our country. It’s very poor condition of tv broadcasting in our country.
    Government must pay attention to control topics or issues which are broadcasted. In addition, there should be good coordination between the government and tv channel to manage the time for broadcasting.
    Although there are so many negative effects of television, but television also give many benefits for us, such as for entertainment and give information of actual events. There are also some programs contains of knowledges even just a little.
    The most important thing is we have to be selective in watching tv program, so we can digest which tv program is good or bad for us.

  11. According me, television has bad effect and good effect. In one side, television can improve our perception about event which are broadcasted. In other side televison also can make audience become consumptive.. When audience become consumptive, they can not control their expulsion...
    I have suggestion for TV audience.. First, choose TV program which has benefit.. Second, don't be influenced easily on advertisement which broadcasted in TV. It can make you become extravagant.

    Herdiawan Rudi Pradana

  12. In my opinion TV have negative and positive effect. One of the negative is can make viewers to be a consumptive person because so many advertisement and many way to buy the things with the easier way. It can influence viewers to consume more and more. Then, sinetron,drama and drama reality show can influence the viewers to think not productive and make and make the feel of viewers become sensitive>
    But from TV we can get more information that can make incereasing of our knowledge.

    Fanie Ardianti
    CV 3
    saturday 9-13

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