Should students spend more time for studying?

Since 2005, Indonesian government has set certain standards for third graders in high school for their final test score. These standards indirectly increase the burden of the students. As the result, they spend more hours studying in school and courses. Some of them even get stressed due to the completing the high standards. However, we cannot just blame the government because of the regulation. At least there are three other aspectsnthat make high school students have to spend more hours studying.

The first aspect is the schools fail to prepare students to face the exam. This failure has led many students to join courses to help them prepare themselves. This phenomena does not need to happen if the schools can prepare the students better. In this side, the government should play the important role by preparing the schools first before setting the examination standards. Therefore, when the schools are well-prepared, the students will not have to spend more hours out side schools to study.

The second aspect of students’ failure is in deciding their major. Many students believe that science is the bst major. However, they forgot to determine their real talents. Sometimes those who are science type students decide to take science as their major. As the result, this decision makes them study more time to understand the subjects.

Last but not least is family background. This factor usually makes the burden of the students worse. It is because sometimes parents force their children to pass the exam so they will not feel ashamed to others. This factor usually is the one that makes students feel stressed.
In short, we cannot just blame the government because of the regulation. The regulation is therem to make the next generation better. We should support the regulation so that we can make Indonesia become a great country.

Written by: Taufik Ramadhan
Higher Intermediate 4/ 2010


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  1. I agree with the author, many schools are "failing" schools in educating students is not a comfortable place for students to make the students choose to add their knowledge outside of school, or follow the course. especially if the school is the status of "standart international" that the difference with the regular school only in the language of instruction that uses the English language. but instead increase the burden for their students because their teachers are also not very good english. and the impact of the worst school system is more important results than process. increased hours also enables students to learn quickly forgotten because they are a little rest time. so after the examination is completed what is learned over and forgotten.

    Ramdhani Harri P
    CV 2/mon-wed

  2. study hard is needed for the student,especially for student who will face the last exam.They become scared and they will study more harder than before.

    After that their time used for study and they forgot to take rest

    So,take a rest is also important to obtain good results in the last exam

  3. in my opinion,UN must be eliminate,since study at school only for 3 years only determined exam a few days.It is going influence for students to increase their learning.It will not make more intelligent but can so more stress
    whereas student in guided not only to learn with UN,not learning other knowledge,so students don't have time to rest/little rest time
    so each time learning is completed,hold a test

    candra y

  4. Study hard is needed for the student,especially for student who will face the last exam.They become scared and they will study more harder than before.

    After that their time used for study and they forgot to take rest.It make some student didn't enaught energy to get an exam

    So,take a rest is also important,because they have alot of energy and become more ready to get an exam

    Wisnu Imam P

  5. In my opinion, I see the author point, but we can not just blame government, our school, and our parents. Because the most important factor that can make we success to pass the final exam is from ourselves. I believe school already give us the best that they have, and also our parents. Are we already pay enough attention when our teacher teach us in the class??? I believe not each of us have. So, if you fail, not just in final exam but in every case, you should see deep into yourselves and ask a question "have I give the best I have??".

    Fajar Nur Wibowo A.
    CV-5 (Fri & Sat)

  6. In my opinion, I see the author point, but we can not just blame government, our school, and our parents. Because the most important factor that can make we success to pass the final exam is from ourselves. I believe school already give us the best that they have, and also our parents. Are we already pay enough attention when our teacher teach us in the class??? I believe not each of us have. So, if you fail, not just in final exam but in every case, you should see deep into yourselves and ask a question "have I give the best I have??".

    Fajar Nur Wibowo A.
    CV-5 (Fri & Sat)

  7. I’m agree with you. School, parents, and goverment has a role in our failed education system. But succes is in our hand, so whatever the system that played, we must be an aotunomous students. Let me give you three suggestions to set you become an auotnomous, responsible and fun students.

    First set your local movement it can be like a gang, community, or autonomus organization. It will teach you about leadership , how to manage an organization and find a firiends or even any subordinates. Second be a zine maker (zine is a kind of little magazine). Writes a zine is fun,you can writes whatever you want to writes such as propaganda, manifesto, or even any personal storries. Publishh it with ethic of DIY (Do It Yourself-or you can Do with Friends) and spread your zine in your school and you will get a bunch of friends. Third, vandals. Draw any picture of art or graffiti in your school’s walls. If it illegal, do it at night or when nobody looking at you. Do vandals will teach you about art. School help students to understand about the sceince so they will be a better person but then Vandals make your school a better looking place.

  8. I'm agree with you. In my opinion, the government should have a respect for all the student. It's ok if the government make an standart to pass the exams. But have the government has been improving all the facilities in all schools in Indonesia? I guess not. Did you ever heard that some school doesn't have a decent building to study? I think the government must fix all the needs before sue all the students to pass the exams. Don't just blame the student if the students can't pass the exams.

    Second, it depends on the student. cause, just that student that can help themselves to determine his/her future.

    Nabila Rizka H.

  9. I'm agree with author. Actually nothing system can be perfect but maybe UN is one of system in education in Indonesia. UN have advantage and bad impact. One of the advantage is student will study more hard to face the final exam. Usually<tehe bad student can change become a dilligent student because the student aware that passing an examination in his hand,no ene can help him. So, UN cause good effect for the student. But UN have bad impact to very lazy student. Student who not aware for the passing examination. The student finally can be burden and stress. Support from parents also very needed for student, because can increase the spirit of study.

    Fanie Ardianti
    CV 3 - saturday

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