A truly Indonesia

In the world of economy, China is the world-second largest economy based on IMF (International Monetary Fund). Nowadays, China is also the largest recipient of foreign investment. Indonesia, as a developing country also wants to enhance the economy like what China has done. However, if Indonesia really wants to be a developed country, the government should make some policies that can sustain the economy in Indonesia. I profoundly recommend that Indonesia stands a huge chance of having as tremendous economic growth as China does because there are at least reasons that support Indonesia to be as successful as China.

Firstly, Indonesia is located in a strategic area between two oceans (Indian and Pacific Oceans) and two continents (Asia and Australia). Therefore, Indonesia becomes an international trade way. Because of that, Indonesia can receive a lot of national income from the trade way. Every country which wants to sell its goods must pay first to Indonesia, so that it can boost the national income in Indonesia. If the national income is getting higher and higher, Indonesia can be a wealthy country in Asia. The national income also can stimulate a wealthy government system.

Second, Indonesia has a neficial economic system. Indonesia is using “Pancasila” economic system. On the ‘Pancasila’ economic system, country, cooperation and society must enhance the economy simultaneously whish is compatible with their roles. By doing so, it can increase the economy in Indonesia. All kinds of society roles are needed to build a tremendous economic growth in Indonesia, but also it can invent a sound governmental system in our beloved country.

Third, Indonesia has a lot of natural and human resources. Nowadays, Indonesian people can’t use the natural resources usefully. However, there are also lots of Indonesian people have qualified human resources who can sustain the government to build an influencing economic growth.

Finally, if Indonesia wants to be as successful as China, Indonesia doesn’t have to be jealous with China. I believe that Indonesia can compete with other countries in the world. In short, Indonesia has a huge chance to have a tremendous economic growth in order to be a Truly Indonesia.

Written by: M. Shiddiq

Higher intermediate 3/ Term2/ 2010


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  1. i think this article is that good idea!because Indonesia needs to enhance the economy like what China has done. Indonesian people is different than Chinese people who like hard working. China has know they countries has a lot of human resources who can sustain the government to build an influencing economic growth and can use natural resources well. So, Indonesia should be a lot of learn from China in order to be as successful as China.
    Maria Irmina Dwi Anindita/ CV-1

  2. i very agree with the recommends in this article. i expect Indonesia will be a successful country and also enable to incress all that things be advantageous too.

    ayu setyaningrum EA 4/fri-sat/5-7 pm.

  3. agree but it's not easy to improve the Indonesian economy and to developed countries because Indonesia does not recognize the term capitalism. where people will move there for the money and time .indonesia term is also difficult to developed countries because corruption and lazy to work is not like China and Japan that have understood.so nationalisme in my opinion if you want Indonesia must educate and advance the great encouragement and gave information about the triumph of the archipelago .developing countries
    never been united as an American defeat in war would tell menag. all make the national spirit and will be a great ambition in changing revolusi.into English as in the ancient imperialisme developing become a capitalist country because there are large scale industrial revolution.
    anggi EL 4

  4. Name : Nelly Susanti
    CV 1

    China and Indonesia is very different country. China has good human resources but natural resources in this country is poor. Indonesia has good natural resources but in the other side Indonesia doesn't has good human resources.
    Because of the reason we can't develop our cappability to encrease our economy growth.
    So the goverment and the privat must make many plan to encrease our economy by:
    1. The goverment take care to micro effort unit.
    2. The goverment should participate in giving job opportunity.
    3. Participation from the privat to build this country.

  5. thank you for posting my writing , , :)

  6. I think Indonesia has a good human resources

    many Indonesian people are smart in the economic field

  7. I think Indonesia has a good human resources

    many Indonesian people are smart in the economic field


  8. oh yeah i agree with nanda , indonesia have many smart and good-looking people , indonesia also have good president and can become succcesful country more than china

  9. I agree with the reasons that support Indonesia to be as successful as China, especially the third reason. Indonesian must realize that to be a developed country is not easy but it is not impossible to do. To become developed country, a country needs not only natural resources but also human resources. We know that Indonesia has both of them. Many natural resources which make income higher, such as petroleum, coal, etc. Of course, it will give more profit for Indonesia if Indonesian uses it usefully. On the other hand, Indonesia has many human resources. The government can make human resources to become human who have good quality, but the problem is corruption. I’m sure Indonesian always hears news about corruption. I know that Indonesia has rule for corruption. But we must realize that every year’s corruptor is still increasing in Indonesia. Of course, it is bad behavior from some of Indonesian. The corruption can influence the economy of the country. The country will get financial loss. So, the government must think how to make that people don’t do it again?? We must know that good quality of human is important to support tremendous economic growth.


  10. I agree with the opinions above. Indonesia should be able to utilize natural resources and human resources are abundant. To achieve this, first we need to increase human resources in Indonesia by promoting education so that young people are more qualified. if all it has achieved, I believe that Indonesia could be the best.


  11. i agree too..i think Indonesian people forget about everything that they have..or...they can't manage it????hmmm...i'm not sure...i believe that Indonesia has high quality people..if Indonesia wants to be successful as China, Indonesia must use their natural resources usefully. Indonesia doesn't have to depend on the others country, because Indonesia has everything that Indonesian people needed.and the last thing that very important is NO CORRUPTION!!!!

    ratnaTIKA c.

  12. From my point of view, it is an irony for our country. China, become a giant economy global because they apply our economy system which is economy that based on people power. As the bigest population of the world, they see the amount of their people not as a barrier but as a big opportunity. They can take a gain from it. I hope in the future Indonesia can imitate what China has done, just like the author said.

    Fajar Nur Wibowo A.
    CV-5 (Fri & Sat)

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