After being recommended by LIA branch and having failed to apply—due to some obstacles, two teachers of us tried to find a new format for Lesson Mastery. The obstacles come from some aspects that derail from its objectives. The obstacles are as follows:
The first aspect is students. As we all know, we cannot predict the number of the students would apply the Lesson Mastery. At times, the quota becomes problems for the teachers since they have to handle the materials and check their understanding then figure out whether they master the lesson objectives or not. Another problem comes from students is the students’ attendance. As you know that lesson mastery is given in each lesson; it becomes problems when the students are absent for a particular lesson. It will be a difficulty for teachers to handle the problem.
The second aspect is time. Teaching outline has to go hand in hand with a number of meetings. It becomes a problem when they are not jointly drafted since teachers have to fairly treat all the materials. At times, one lesson is more difficult than the others. It means teachers need to adjust the meeting in such a way so that they can meet the objectives. Besides, classes in LIA are available in three different-time-slots; they are 15.00-17.00, 17.00-19.00, and 19.00-21.00. Most teachers have problems in 17.00-19.00 slot since Maghrib-break will spend some time for teachers.
The last aspect is teacher. Teacher’s consistency is needed when lesson mastery is necessarily applied in class. It needs great effort to be consistent, especially if a teacher gets many classes and each class has big number of students. However, consistency is an element that goes up and down simultaneously and needs to be recharged all the time. It seems that the degree of teacher’s consistency is reflected in a well-managed lesson plan. Meanwhile to apply the lesson plan successfully, teacher’s teaching style—in terms of time management, waiting time, and talking time—must be adjustable. In short, teacher’s consistency and teaching style can also be a necessary aspect in applying lesson mastery
the cover of lesson mastery
the students' report of lesson mastery
the woman behind lesson mastery